Maximising the odds of success for your drop

Taking great photos
Background: We'd love for you to capture your drops in a fun, lively, and natural manner. The DELLI aesthetic is designed to showcase the ‘real’ elem...
Wed, 15 Jun, 2022 at 12:29 PM
Writing your title and description
Your photos should be the bait that lures in hungry buyers, but the title and description are equally as important, they are what lets buyers know what t...
Wed, 15 Jun, 2022 at 12:30 PM
Timing your drop right
You have the option when creating a drop to ‘Set a drop date’ and ‘Set end date’. Getting this right will maximise the number of people that find and purcha...
Wed, 15 Jun, 2022 at 12:32 PM
How to price your drop
Choosing the price of your drop can be tricky for everyone. Here are some tips for getting it right and making sure you start smoothly on DELLI: Things ...
Wed, 15 Jun, 2022 at 12:34 PM
How often should I drop on DELLI?
As with most things in life, consistency is key. When it comes to DELLI, the motto stands. DELLI is about discovery and getting inspired to try new th...
Wed, 15 Jun, 2022 at 12:35 PM
How to increase the chances of my drop selling out
The likelihood of your drop selling out comes down to how easy it is for them to get, and also how excited they are to get it. The more accessible your d...
Wed, 15 Jun, 2022 at 12:39 PM
Building a great buyer experience
The better the experience your buyer has, the more likely they are to buy from you again and tell their friends. Sharing great food and drink isn’t the only...
Thu, 16 Jun, 2022 at 10:06 AM