Sharing your shop is an easy way to get people introduced to you, build your followers and the people who subscribe and want to see more of what you’re doing. Whilst there are lots of times that you can share on DELLI, sharing your shop when you launch your DELLI shop is an important first step:

  • Take a simple screenshot of your DELLI shop after you’ve gone live, share this as a post or story, and make sure you add a link to your shop so that people can click straight through.
  • Leverage your network. We all have one, whether it’s your IG followers or a closed WhatsApp group of food lovers.
  • Add your link to your bio or link tree.
  • Don’t just share once. It sometimes takes people a while to get the memo, sharing consistently with your drops will build momentum and sales. Sharing about DELLI 2-3 times a week has the highest impact.
  • Encourage others to share too. If your buyer has had a good experience, ask them to shout you out.
  • Tag If you tag us, it means we can repost and share with our community too.

Get followers to switch on notifications for your shop:

When followers have notifications switched on for your shop, it means they will be notified every time you post a new drop. It’s a powerful tool and something you should be pushing ALL your followers to do.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Go to the makers’ profile
  2. Tap the ‘Follow’ button
  3. Once you’ve tapped the ‘Follow’ button, a small bell icon will appear on the right-hand side
  4. Tap the bell icon
  5. A screen will pop up letting you know that you can turn on notifications.
  6. That’s it. Now that you’ve done this you’ll be notified when they create a new drop on DELLI