Background: We'd love for you to capture your drops in a fun, lively, and natural manner. The DELLI aesthetic is designed to showcase the ‘real’ elements of food, so buyers can get to know you and your product. Buyers love to know how your drop is made (i.e. process) which brings light to the love and attention that’s gone into making it, and always make sure you capture finished product shots (i:e: jars, packs, boxes) so they know exactly what to expect. We want these images to communicate who you are, and what we all care about. We believe that good food is for everyone, and we're working towards it being shared and enjoyed at every table.

Style: Photography that shows real people, in real-life moments. The settings are approachable, just like walking into someone's home. Go for natural and casual shots over heavily art-directed or stylised ones.

Mandatories: Have people in images where possible, show how the body naturally handles/reacts to food and the act of eating. If you're using a film or digital camera, use an on-camera flash. It’s more fun.


  • Take pride in process: The making of something (or bottling/packing) is often what sells it – our audience love to learn
  • Show yourself: People like people, and hands especially. It makes it relatable and begins to build a meaningful connection between you and the buyer.
  • Keep it casual: It’s nice to have other items in the photo to make the environment feel more real
  • Pretty isn’t always pretty: The label of your item does not always have to be front-and-centre.

A selection of images we enjoy and why:

DELLI TIP: Include hands, and take the photo at an angle, rather than from directly in front

DELLI TIP: Showcase your brand as well as serving suggestions

DELLI TIP: The label of your item does not always have to be front-and-centre

DELLI TIP: It's nice to have other things in the photo to make it a natural environment 

DELLI TIP: The process of making something is often what sells it best 

DELLI TIP: The fun and casual nature of a photo helps it be relatable and begins to build a meaningful connection between you and the buyer.

Have fun!